Friday, March 31, 2006

Monkey SWAT! Now in colour!

Here's that monkey in full colour. I'm thinking I should have stuck with a more cartoony
flat colour style. I'll probably repost this later in that style.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Dances With Ghouls - The Main Villain

This is the bad guy from the final battle in the game.
Which a spoiler.

Dances With Ghouls - how it will look.

This is what the final game will look like ( roughly speaking, this image is a mock up for promotional purposes.) The game goes live on the PlayJam service on Sky in the UK in a couple of weeks.

Dances With Ghouls!

We're about to launch a side scrolling shoot'em up on the UK Sky version of Playjam.
This is a pre-production sketch of the main character, and is what I used to base the animated sprites on. I'll post a mock up of what the game will look like in action in a sec.

Monkey SWAT!

Right o, I'll do a quick kick off with a sketch of a monkey in a SWAT uniform.
Mainly because it'll probably set the tone for what to expect from us.
This is for a game that hasn't rolled into pre-production yet but I'll stick it up anyway
and keep you posted as to when it goes any further.
Welcome to our blog. As the title says, we will be posting as much of our artwork as we can for you to view and comment on.
We are a team of 6 illustrators and animators who work in the UK for an interactive tv company.
We make games and applictations for a variety of channels in the UK and abroad.

Right, that's the boring stuff out of the way, we will start putting pictures up as soon've learnt how to use this.

Duncan, on behalf of the team.